tslil clingman: hobbies


Programming was my first introduction to structured thought, and i have always enjoyed it as a hobby. Among all the languages i have used, i have written non-trivial or larger programmes in Assembly[1], C, Common Lisp, Haskell, Java, Javascript, Python, Pascal[2], and Rust. Of these C, Haskell and Lisp stand out to me as excellent languages and representative of their domains, and much of my experience has been in them.

Here are some of my projects that i think are especially polished or interesting (though unlikely to be both)

I also enjoy programming under interesting constraints, especially as imposed by the language. Here are two such examples:


Spigot algorithm for π in Base 16, implemented in (obfuscated?) dc.
      [ "$1" = "$HOME" ] && echo $HOME && exit
      fl="$HOME/.local/share/dir_lst"; [ ! -f "$fl" ] && touch "$fl"
      [ "$2" = '!' ] && echo $1 && exit ||
      ln=`grep -n "$1" "$fl" | head -n 1 | cut -d : -f 1` ;
      if [ -n "$1" ]; then if [ -n "$ln" ]; then
      echo -e "$ln m0\n1p\nw" | ed -s "$fl" || echo \?; else
      l=$1; while [ ! -d "$l" ]; do echo \?; l=$(rlwrap -P$PWD -co cat -);
      [ ${l:(-1)} != / ] && l+=/; done; l=`echo "$l" | sed "s|^[^/]|$PWD/&|"`;
      echo -e "0i\n$l\n.\nw" | ed -s "$fl"; sed -i '43,$d' "$fl"
      fi; else echo -e "2 m0\nw" | ed -s "$fl"; fi;

Smart directory changer in POSIX sh, using the power of grep. Dependencies: sed, ed, rlwrap, grep. Suggested usage:
j() { NAME/OF/SCRIPT $*; cd `head -n 1 $HOME/.local/share/dir_lst`}


While i consider mathematics to be my primary – and perhaps only – medium of expression, it is nevertheless sometimes fun to dabble as a complete novice in other media. Here are some visual things:


Another such avenue is sound. In my distant past i had some musical instrument instruction (piano, then alto saxophone) but i never really grasped the notation or theory. Later on i taught myself penny whistle so that i could enjoy Irish folk music. Sometime before this i discovered that computers could make sounds.

Can you imagine what ‘compositions’ sound like, as generated by a young someone without formal musical training or understanding, under the impression that music is just a few good riffs repeated endlessly? Well, no need to imagine, i happily embarrass myself for your education. From 2010-2014 i have dredged up:

Almost Completed

Not Almost Completed

Not Completed

[1] for x86 and AVR
[2] technically it was Delphi